Star Wars Force Awakens secrets revealed ... it's all a plan by Luke Skywalker
IS THIS ALL A PLOT OF LUKE SKYWALKER? BE WARNED ... MASSIVE SPOILER ALERTS! Force Awakens is all about Luke Skywalker, even though he...
How to get a character name that parents will use on their kids, rather than one that sounds like a
Have you ever read a fantasy book and found the names of characters confusing? Wondered if that world really needed so many consonants,...
Best advice Game Of Thrones writer George RR Martin gave Joe Abercrombie
I was lucky enough to interview Joe Abercrombie for The Sunday Telegraph. The resultant, truncated story appeared in the Funday Telegraph...
How to write a bloody, brilliant, battle scene
Australian Bookseller + Publisher says I write the best battle scenes since the late, great David Gemmell. So how do you go about writing...
My top 10 tips for rewriting and editing your book
I often get asked if I have any advice for budding authors who are trying to get their work ready for submission. As sending in your book...

How to hand-sell 1000 books a month
I've managed to turn bookstore appearances into something of an art, averaging 20 sales per store, often topping 30 sales and twice...
A quick chat about The Radiant Child
This is a quick video I put together for bookstores before launching my 50 Stores In 30 Days tour for The Radiant Child, which saw me...
How to kill off a character - or how not to end your book with Harry Potter dead and Voldemort livin
As anyone who has read or watched Game Of Thrones knows, you can make a huge success out of slaughtering your main characters. George RR...